Muir Academy
Interview Guide

Turning fantasy into reality!

Interview Guide Cover

Muir Academy
Turning Fantasy Into Reality!

Muir shield

Thank you for your interest and specifically for joining the Academy Club. This Interview Guide has been designed to help you take the next steps in your progress towards active membership of the Muir Academy.

This guide should be read very carefully before applying. It will tell you all you need to know about the Muir Academy before assessing in your own mind whether or not we are compatible. Make sure you do this before making an appointment with me, please.

The simplest course is the monthly Saturday class, in Herefordshire from 10 am to 6 pm. They're usually mixed classes of boys, girls and special girls. Occasionally we have all-boy classes for boys who prefer the company of their own kind, which sometimes has a male teacher for all or part of the day.

Next are the boarding three-day courses, usually held in mid Wales, or Herefordshire. They can be mixed or single sexed, with one, two or even three tutors in attendance, plus Matron, cook and maid.

There is also a very strict boarding course, where the numbers are deliberately kept low maximum 6 pupils, two teachers, a matron and domestic staff. These courses are only for the most dedicated and experienced players as the regime and discipline are much tougher.

Private tuition is possible on a one to one or two to one basis for boys, girls or couples too shy or not suitable for inclusion into a larger group. I trust you will find these notes useful and encouraging. I look forward to meeting you one day soon.

Yours faithfully

Miss P. Prim



Travel To Hereford

Hereford is just the English side of the Welsh border, about a 3½ hour drive or train ride from London, the same from Manchester and Liverpool by car. Newport is an hour away, Bristol 1¼ hours and Birmingham 1 ½ hours. There are many possible routes to Hereford by road so it is best you choose your own using a good road map. The same can be said of the trains these days, check central train reservations.


Bed and breakfast is available locally. It may also be possible to stay on a Bed and Breakfast basis at the school before or after a day class. Miss Prim can only decide this after she has spoken to you.

The Rules

You will find more comprehensive rules but here are the four key rules that you have to learn before attending interview or school.

  1. I will count each stroke. If I miscount or you do not hear, you will begin again.
  2. I will not adjust my clothing or rise from my position without permission, or you will begin again.
  3. I will not rub my bottom or hands after punishment, or you will begin again.
  4. I will thank the corrector on completion of the punishment, or you will begin again.

Learn these rules before your interview; you will be tested on them! If you are a pupil you may at any time be asked to recite these rules. The punishment for not knowing them, word perfect, is six of the best.

If you want an even better idea of what happens at an interview you should read some of the accounts on the contributors' page. The very best source to know what really happens at the Muir Academy is to read the back issues of the Muir Journal.


Tutors may accompany their 'charges' to the interview. However they will be asked to sit in the library while the first part of the classroom session is in progress. They may usually come into the classroom for the last part of the lesson.


Arranging your interview

  1. Join the Muir Academy, if you have not done so already. To do this, download the membership form from this web site, complete it and return it to Miss Prim with the fee.

  2. Decide when to make the trip. Weekdays only, not weekends, unless in very special circumstances. Allow at least three hours, between 10 am and 3.30 pm.

  3. Telephone Miss Prim to arrange a date and time. This is essential, as she will not accept a booking by letter or e-mail.

  4. Send your interview deposit and a completed Interview Form. (Available from the web site to download.)

  5. Prepare your kit. This is either basic school uniform or gym kit if you are a pupil, or a maid's uniform if that is what you wish to be. Some uniform may be loaned to you, if you ask when you make the booking. You may wear the colours of your own school if you do not have the Muir colours.

  6. Telephone Miss Prim a few days beforehand to confirm your arrangements. She will meet you at the bus or train station, if necessary.

  7. Turn up as arranged, in normal clothing. Bring your uniform and the balance of your fee with you.

  8. You will have a chance to chat in a relaxed atmosphere on your arrival, before being taken to the school, where you will change into your uniform for the classroom part of the interview.

  9. You may bring a partner with you to the interview, however they will not be allowed into the classroom with you until the end.

  10. Deposits cannot be returned. However if you cannot keep the appointment Miss Prim may hold your deposit over for a later interview.

Booking courses

  1. Look for dates of events that appeal to you or telephone to see if a course can be arranged to suit you. This especially applies to midweek classes.

  2. Telephone Miss Prim to see if there are any places left and make your booking. Popular courses can fill very quickly, so book as early as you can. It is sometimes possible to get a late booking, so do try.

  3. Send a completed application form and the deposit to confirm your booking. Unconfirmed bookings will go to the next applicant if no deposit is received.

  4. Telephone at least two weeks before the course, to confirm and get directions sent to you if you require them.

  5. On your arrival you should hand in a letter to Matron or Miss Prim if she is not available, about any medical or dietary problems.

  6. A letter from your Guardian or previous head pertaining to your conduct, with your school fees, should be handed to Miss Prim when you are called to her office once you are in uniform. On day classes this should be handed to her at registration.


Adult Schoolboy in winter uniform

A Muir Adult-Schoolboy, dressed for going out in colder weather. Note that all items of kit must be labelled with your name!


Our preferred style of maid's dress, cap and apron, worn with plain stockings, plain underwear and sensible shoes.


Pupil's Application For Interview

Before completing and posting this form, please contact Miss Prim to agree a mutually convenient date and obtain details of the deposit amount and address to send the completed form to.

This form may seem a little bureaucratic, but Miss Prim needs all this information before meeting you. It enables her to tailor each interview more effectively to the specific requirements of each pupil. It will also be kept as a record and guide for further visits, whether to courses, private tutorials or other events. The form may be completed either by the pupil, or their tutor.

I _____________________________________________ am eighteen years old or more and have read the Interview Guide of the Muir Academy, I understand them fully and freely agree to abide by them or accept the consequences as so indicated. I enclose this form, completed fully, and my deposit. Please make cheques payable to "Muir Academy".

NB deposits are not refundable. If Miss Prim can fill your appointment, it may be held over until next time.

Interview date: ____________________________________

Time: from __________ until __________

Real surname: ____________________________________ Forename(s): ________________________________

Date of Birth: _________________________________ (Real)

Pseudonym Surname: ________________________________ Forename(s): _____________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________     Postcode ________________________

Phone No. ___________________________________________ day/eve.

(only for use discreetly, in an emergency)

Special Instructions

Note below any significant health problems, any necessary medication or special dietary needs. This includes a vegetarian diet and anything to which you are allergic. We will endeavour to meet these needs.






A properly dressed Muir adult-schoolboy and adult-schoolgirl. But they shouldn't be holding hands!


Pupil's Application For A Course

I __________________________________ am eighteen years old or more and have read the Interview Guide of the Muir Academy. I understand them fully and freely agree to abide by them or accept the consequences as so indicated. I enclose this form completed fully, and the full deposit. Please make cheques payable to Muir Academy.

Course date: ___________________________ Expected time of arrival: ________________

Real surname: __________________________ Forename(s): _________________________

Pseudonym Surname: ______________________ Forename(s): _______________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________ Postcode ________________________

Phone No. ______________________________________________ day/evening./p>

(only for use, discreetly, in an emergency)

NB deposits are not refundable unless someone else fills the vacancy.

Special Instructions

Note below any significant health problems, any necessary medication or special dietary needs. This includes a vegetarian diet and anything to which you are allergic. We will endeavour to meet these needs.





You can contact Miss Prim by telephone:
07732 981515 (overseas: +44 7732 981515)
Please telephone for a postal address.

This form may seem a bit bureaucratic too, but Miss Prim needs all this information beforehand, for example to allocate pupils to dormitories. It enables her to tailor the teaching regime for each pupil more effectively to their specific requirements. It will also be kept as a record and guide for further visits. Before completing the form, phone Miss Prim and check that there is a place available for you. It may be completed either by pupils themselves or their tutor. Please do not forget to enclose your deposit.


Muir adult-schoolgirl and adult-schoolboy dressed for outdoors in Winter. NB the girl's beret is not standard, but is quite acceptable as no Winter headgear is specified for girls.


Exceptions To Uniform Lists

Uniform For Senior Girls Only

NB Miss Prim alone decides who may be a senior girl. Demotion is possible at any time, so even senior girls must bring a junior girl's uniform too. Stockings, black or flesh coloured, a fresh pair each day for boarders.

Items And Uniform For Special Girls Only

Other Uniforms

If you do not have the full or correct Muir Academy colours or uniform, you may be permitted to wear a school uniform of another school, at least to start with.

Strict Tutorial Boarding Courses

You will need the full Muir Uniform, including the red-trimmed blazer for boys and girls and a gymslip (not skirt) for girls

Note that all items of kit must be labelled with your name!


Boys' Uniform

Outdoor clothes, boarders only: one pair of stout walking shoes or boots, two pairs of thick socks, sturdy, long, warm trousers, warm waterproof jacket, warm sweater.

Casual clothes: A cub, scout, brownie or guide uniform may be used.

Wash kit, boarders only: sponge bag, hand and bath towel, flannel, toothbrush and paste, soap and shampoo, hairbrush, comb, shaver and cream, deodorant and talcum powder.

Classroom equipment, for day and boarders: Satchel or bag, pencil case, fountain pen, ink or cartridges, ballpoint pen, pencils, pencil sharpener, eraser, ruler, coloured crayons or felt-tip pens, pair of compasses and a protractor, art apron, a glue stick and a pair of school scissors.

Where music is being taught by Miss Brown, you will need a Yamaha brand descant recorder. We recommend you purchase one from the Amazon website. You have a choice of pink, blue or green.

Permitted extras: one soft toy, garters, athletic support, painting set, sewing kit, track suit, suitable reading books, playing cards, football. Banned or restricted items: sweets, food, tobacco in any form, (unless with prior permission), alcohol, adult books or magazines, radios, catapults or water pistols.


Girls' Uniform.

Wash kit, boarders only: sponge bag, hand and bath towel, flannel, toothbrush and paste, soap and shampoo, hairbrush, comb, deodorant and talcum powder, minimal cosmetics.

Classroom equipment, for day and boarders: Satchel or bag, pencil case, fountain pen, ink or cartridges, ballpoint pen, pencils, pencil sharpener, eraser, ruler, coloured crayons or felt-tip pens, pair of compasses and a protractor, art apron, a glue stick and a pair of school scissors.

Where music is being taught by Miss Brown, you will need a Yamaha brand descant recorder. We recommend you purchase one from the Amazon website. You have a choice of pink, blue or green.

Permitted extras: one soft toy, painting set, apron, sewing kit, track suit, suitable reading books, skipping rope, and razor.

Banned or restricted items: sweets, food, tobacco (in any form, unless with prior permission), alcohol, adult books or magazines, radios, catapults or water pistols, jewellery, frivolous underwear, heavy make-up.

Adult schoolgirl in Winter uniform


Adult school pupils playing netball

Muir Academy where we make the fantasy real for all the adult school-girls and boys!